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Arhive Title: vaccine free: now what?

Mothering As A Spiritual Journey

  Belated Mother’s Day Greetings, About 4-5 months after the birth of my first child, I had a post partum depression. Too many sleepless nights, a colicky baby and an episiotomy that left me scarred emotionally and physically left me as a woman unrecognizable to myself. Then exhaustion set in. Then an identity crisis. I … Read more

A Prescription for Fear and a Handout for Croup

As a young family, making choices that are very different from those of our parents can be unsettling…for everyone. Grandparents and extended family think they know better and often, they do have hard earned wisdom that when graciously offered, can be received with an open heart. But sometimes, when the discussion about vaccines comes up, … Read more

Sitting, Slow Medicine, Sick Kids and Our Spiritual Journey

Happy Valentine’s Day! Wishing you a love-filled day today and every day. Today’s message is just for you…when you give all you have to help your loved ones feel better. As mothers and women (and yes…some pretty terrific dads too…and nannies) we have been caring for sick ones from generation to generation. From hot steam … Read more

Technology and Teething – Huh!?

  Today’s newsletter is a reprint…or a video rerun…of something I recorded about 3 years ago. I am encouraged. For some time now I have been averse to creating any more videos but maybe I will record more!  Watch for it. There is a mention of the Vaccine Free: Now What? 12-week course in the … Read more

Flu. Again. And a Gift.

Be sure to read right to the end. As a faithful subscriber to the weekly newsletters, I have a thank you gift waiting for you! Almost time to roll out the flu vaccine marketing campaign! To keep this a fast and easy read today, I am going to share with you a client’s recent experience … Read more

Giddy-Up Go: Remedies for Riding and Rodeo

It is not enough for a man to know how to ride; he must know how to fall.  ~Mexican Proverb Today as I write I am aware that I have is the most breath taking outdoor office. My view? The rolling green pastures, the blue gray Rocky Mountains in the distance, a breeze strong enough … Read more

Heroes, Autism and Anxiety

Hello everyone, Who are your personal heroes these days? Stop and consider before you read any further. List the top five that are first in your mind. Go ahead. Maybe you have 10, 20, or even more. Please feel free to share them in the comments at the end of the newsletter. There are so … Read more