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Sparrow Medicine

Have you ever had an experience of nature and wondered if perhaps there was some personal significance, message or meaning in the event, in the encounter between human and animal or force of nature? Often times, it is the dramatic that catches the imagination. A random sighting of a hawk or eagle in flight, mountain … Read more

Sitting, Slow Medicine, Sick Kids and Our Spiritual Journey

Hello Everyone, You know how I feature guest bloggers every once in awhile? Everyone brings a perspective on health, healing and sickness and this week I am asking to hear from you, especially if you have kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews or kids in your care. We all have stories, even our own of being a … Read more

Immunology (i.e. vaccination) or Natural Immunity – Same or Different?

Until I read Dr. Tetyana’s book Vaccine Illusion: How Vaccination Compromises Our Natural Immunity and What We Can Do To Regain Our Health, I had NO idea that an immunologist had little or no training on the natural immune system. As Dr. Tetyana says in her book: “The biological term immunity refers to a universally observed … Read more

As Below, So Above

Trees. Unless you live in a desert, they are all around us. When you look at a tree, what do you see? What tree comes to mind for you?  Do you ever consider what is below the tree, under the ground? What do trees need to live? How does a tree get what it needs … Read more

Giddy-Up Go: Remedies for Riding and Rodeo

It is not enough for a man to know how to ride; he must know how to fall.  ~Mexican Proverb Today as I write I am aware that I have is the most breath taking outdoor office. My view? The rolling green pastures, the blue gray Rocky Mountains in the distance, a breeze strong enough … Read more

At a Loss for Words: Turning to Poets and Writers

  Something is happening. Can you feel it too? There is suffering, heartache, inequality, lack of resources (personal and global), autism, vaccine injury, chronic disease, GMO foods and dying bees and we are all hurting at some level. I understand why many turn off their TVs and avoid social media. It’s almost too much to … Read more

Heroes, Autism and Anxiety

Hello everyone, Who are your personal heroes these days? Stop and consider before you read any further. List the top five that are first in your mind. Go ahead. Maybe you have 10, 20, or even more. Please feel free to share them in the comments at the end of the newsletter. There are so … Read more

Summer Unplugged

“The more ways we have to connect, the more many of us seem desperate to unplug.” ~ Pico Iyer Twice in the past week I was advised, in the gentlest and most encouraging way, to “unplug” from technology and work. Both people used the same word…”unplug.” Both these caring folk know how much I love … Read more