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by Donna Powers

Measles in the News 2024

In April 2014, I covered an outbreak of measles in Calgary with a blog. I chose a provocative title…and…got slammed publicly for it! This was my first lesson in speaking out about infectious illness and homeopathy, informed consent, and the right to choose. And this was my first experience of the abuse that gets hurled … Read more

hand foot and mouth disease

Spotty Fevers: Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Originally posted in 2013, this Hand Foot and Mouth post has been updated recently! FEVER 101: MASTERED, BUT WHAT’S WITH THE SPOTS? You’ve read the fever handout and are now feeling pretty confident about using homeopathy for fever: you get through the sleepless nights and midnight temperature spike without having to resort to pain medication. … Read more

Homeopath Childhood bumps and bruises

Burns, Bumps, Bruises, and Bites: Keep Kids Safe This Summer

“Aaah, summer – that long anticipated stretch of lazy, lingering days, free of responsibility and rife with possibility. It’s a time to hunt for insects, master handstands, practice swimming strokes, conquer trees, explore nooks and crannies, and make new friends.” ~ Darell Hammond Being a child of the mid-1960’s, summer was all about long days away from home, … Read more

Febrile Seizure

Fevers and Febrile Seizures: Your Fever Questions Answered

My One Stop Childhood Fever Guide! Childhood fevers can put parents into panic mode!! Childhood fever and febrile seizure are one topic that has a lot of misinformation, and thanks to media advertising there is an unnecessary fear of fever. Parents can breathe a sigh of relief when they understand the benefits of fever and … Read more

Remedies for fear

Fear and Loathing in Las Coronavegas

Are you experiencing panic or fear in these unusual times? Please know that THIS IS NORMAL! Today we talk about fear, why we have fear, why it is important and the homeopathic remedies for fear that address this symptom directly – and yes fear is a symptom! And please know that you are not alone… … Read more


Shameeah – Sacred Listening to Nature and Healing

We want to offer you an opportunity to ‘listen and reconnect with nature’ by attending a Blind Shameeah weekend workshop with friend and colleague, Dr. Roland Guenther (MD Germany), homeopath and keeper of indigenous wisdom. Have you ever done something you have never done before? And decided to do it last minute before you could … Read more

Homeopathy Remedy Kit

Just the Remedies -Your Homeopathic Remedy Kit and How to Use It

Announcing a new online course that I have put together after many requests from family, friends and participants in some of my other e-courses called “Just the Remedies”. This is an online e-course for beginners and for those who have been using homeopathy for some time but would really like to get to know the … Read more


Chicken Pox and Shingles: How to Prevent and Support Healing in an Outbreak

Chicken Pox, Shingles and A Return to Routine How is your summer going? Have you had some time for rest, relaxation and rejuvenation? I hope so. Summers can be short in our northern regions so every warm, light-filled day is a day for joyful celebration. I am slowly making my way back to writing a … Read more


Worn Out, Weary and Exhausted – The Natural Immune System Boost You Need Today!

Hello Friends! Two parts to this newsletter – one is personal and the other is an invitation to the amazing free Natural Immune Defense Summit where I am one of several featured guest speakers. Some pretty big names and I am grateful to be a part of this event!   Personal One month ago almost … Read more