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Fevers and Febrile Seizures: Your Fever Questions Answered

Febrile Seizure

My One Stop Childhood Fever Guide! Childhood fevers can put parents into panic mode!! Childhood fever and febrile seizure are one topic that has a lot of misinformation, and thanks to media advertising there is an unnecessary fear of fever. Parents can breathe a sigh of relief when they understand the benefits of fever and … Read more

Mumps Making the Rounds…In the Vaccinated…Again

Mumps in the Vaccinated Mumps are in the news in Calgary…again…and in the vaccinated. This is not the first outbreak and it will not be the last. These outbreaks, in the vaccinated population have been happening and reported since the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. “In 2007 and 2008 Alberta experienced an outbreak, with 266 … Read more