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Beyond Arnica for Sprains, Strains, Concussions and Injuries

Looking to learn more about homeopathic remedies for accident and injury and you are ready to reach beyond Arnica in your home and travel kit?

Ready to step into the online learning model? It can be scary if you have never taken an online webinar so here is a way to maybe get your first experience!

I am offering a one hour free webinar on Wednesday, April 5-2017 from 2-3 PM Mountain Time – Beyond Arnica for Sprains, Strains, Concussions and Injuries. The webinar will give you an idea of what the 5-week course is all about and…you get some more homeopathic remedy ideas for your home kit to help support healing from all those bumps, bruises and bangs that happen whether you are an adult or kid.

If you have ever been nervous about a webinar and the technology, the free class might be a way for you to take the plunge. You can register for the free webinar here.

But if you know you are ready to learn more first aid home acute prescribing with homeopathy you can sign up for the 5-week course here.

There are still five spots left (at $99.00 CDN) for the live online webinar Managing Everyday Childhood Illnesses with Homeopathy. Once those spots are filled, the price goes up to $129.00.

In the meantime, here are some quick tips for how to use Arnica with suggestions of potency, repetition and types of injuries.

Using Arnica is for many people, their first introduction to homeopathy. They fall, injure themselves, sprain an ankle, break an arm or suffer pain from dental work and the pharmacist recommends Arnica for the swelling and inflammation. Improvement is often so quick that it is common to hear or to say, “I guess I didn’t injure myself as badly as I thought I had” or “I guess the dentist wasn’t as rough this time.”

Homeopathically, Arnica is employed in any situation where there is debility and exhaustion following overwork, recovery from injuries, illness and emotional trauma where the feeling is one of being sore, bruised with an aversion to and fear of touch. A person needing Arnica will typically say “That’s OK. I’m alright. Don’t’ touch me. I’m fine. Just leave me alone.”

Arnica 6CH helps to relieve the shock of injury. It is the first remedy when back pain results from overexertion, an injury or blow where the area feels bruised and may be swollen. It is also good after difficult childbirth or other damaging physical activities. Take 4 times per day for up to 2 days.

Arnica 30 helps to relieve the shock of injury. This remedy is used as soon as possible after an injury, such as a broken bone. It helps reduce pain and inflammation while calming the injured person. Take every 15-30 minutes for 1-2 hours and then 3 times per day for 2 days.

Arnica 30 should be given as soon as possible after a burn to relieve shock, pain and discomfort. Take every 15-30 minutes up to 6 doses during the first day. Arnica ointments and gels are helpful topical remedies for painful injuries to soft tissue and muscles. It can be used along with internal doses of Arnica. Do not apply however, to open wounds as it can prevent proper closing of the wounds. Calendula cream would be better for open cuts.

Potency (6CH or 12CH or 30 CH etc) and dosage can vary from one product to another and from one situation to another. It may be necessary to consult with a homeopath if you are concerned about the potency or frequency of repetition or duration (how long to give a remedy).

As with all emergency situations, it is important to seek medical help. Concussions, broken limbs, heavy bleeding, and shock require medical attention.

Hope to see you on the course! I love the learning and sharing this information so that homeopathy gets spread far and wide!

Yours in health and healing,


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