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Homeopathy First Magazine – Issue 3 A LIGHT IN THE DARK


All of our contributors this month are sharing from very deep personal places of loss or from their search for meaning when illness, aging or imminent death temporarily limits our worldview as humans.

To fearlessly and consciously write about these dark places takes a special kind of person who is willing to share so that others might learn where to find hope, light and meaning at a time when we feel least equipped for the task.

Homeopathy offers healing support during the times in our life when we feel most unable to cope with limitations and loss. The approach of one pill or one size fits all medicine is contrary to what homeopathy can offer.

With homeopathy, a remedy can be individualized to suit the situation of the person in the midst of dark times and restore, so that there is a return to hope and light.



All of our contributors this month are sharing from very deep personal places of loss or from their search for meaning when illness, aging or imminent death temporarily limits our worldview as humans.

To fearlessly and consciously write about these dark places takes a special kind of person who is willing to share so that others might learn where to find hope, light and meaning at a time when we feel least equipped for the task.

Homeopathy offers healing support during the times in our life when we feel most unable to cope with limitations and loss. The approach of one pill or one size fits all medicine is contrary to what homeopathy can offer.

With homeopathy, a remedy can be individualized to suit the situation of the person in the midst of dark times and restore, so that there is a return to hope and light.


Please note these publications are rich with links to useful homeopathic resources. For optimum reading experience please download the PDF in its entirety.

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