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Kids Sick? Make it a Jammie Day!

As a young family, making choices that are very different from those of our parents can be unsettling…for everyone. Grandparents and extended family think they know better and often their hard-earned wisdom, when graciously offered, can be received with an open heart. But sometimes, when the discussion about vaccines comes up, emotions run high. Fear. Fear of disease and potential complications, and fear of vaccines and potential damage, and fear especially for the health and wellness of the wee ones born into this particular time in history.

Very quickly, fear moves into defensiveness and/or silence. We just won’t talk about ‘it’, we won’t tell our doctors/families of our decision to be vaccine free, or we ‘arm’ ourselves with as much information as we can to justify our decision. We are ready to ‘do battle.’ That leaves us all exhausted, emotionally hurt, and misunderstood when all we really want is to do what’s best for our children and our grandchildren.

So much information! It’s easy to become overwhelmed and simply give up trying to make an ‘informed’ choice. The bottom line? Vaccinated children get sick and vaccine free children get sick, too. Kids simply get sick…a lot. What we want as parents is to learn how to best help them when they are sick – without fear of harming them even more.

How Do We Move from Fear to Confidence?
Remember that ‘hard-earned wisdom’? That’s the experience part – that’s how my parents learned, how I learned, and how you will learn, as well. You know your child better than anyone else. I remember the first month of being with my first born…learning what his preferences were for being held, what positions made burping easier, realizing that he was a ‘hot, sweaty’ baby, and knowing that he loved being outside and that movement helped him to fall asleep. We went for lots of walks!

Fast Forward to Today
I started this newsletter yesterday with the hopes of offering you my own ‘hard-earned wisdom’ and research from over 20 plus years of parenting and homeopathic education. Today, the rubber hits the road. Gracie is sick. She woke in the middle of the night with a croupy, barky cough. My wonderful daughter-in-law Natalie got up in the middle of the night, homeopathy book in hand, and gave Gracie Aconite, which allowed her to fall back to sleep.

Gracie still has a cough today and we are now, even as I write, having a gramma jamma-rama day. (I have the best job in the world…writing for you and being able to stay at home so that Gracie can heal from this cough. Gracie is busy ‘working’ at her desk making cards for her Mommy and Daddy.)

This is the reality of kids getting sick. Mom works, Dad works and Gramma does, too. If you thought that it took a village to raise a child, it takes two villages to help kids heal from sickness! You need community – safe places where there is time, comfort, love, and space to just ‘be sick until you heal.’

Confidence Comes When??
After your first encounter with croup using homeopathy, you are well on the road to that experience I spoke about earlier. If you have a homeopath, call them when your child is sick. If you have a friend who has helped their kids through croup with homeopathy, call them.

You can read more information on croup HERE. I’ve researched and put together many handouts like these so that you will have the information on hand when you need it, just like my daughter-in-law had.

When Gracie arrived on my doorstep with her little backpack, Natalie gave me the cough symptoms and told me she noticed that Gracie’s cough was worse with the car heater on. (It’s winter in our part of the world and car heaters blast away!) Then she added, “I gave her some Spongia.” Today I will watch for what makes her cough worse and what makes it better.

There is one more homeopathic remedy that might be needed should your child get croup. Have a look at the handout. You’re on the road to gaining confidence in helping your children heal with homeopathy!

If you would like to learn how to start using homeopathy, you can sign up HERE for my weekly e-mail newsletter with LOTS of information on how to use homeopathy at home. As a thank you gift, you’ll receive a free chapter from the soon-to-be-published eBook Fever Essentials: Helping Your Child Heal with Homeopathy.

If you want to start your own at home kit, you can check out one of my favorite retail stores in Calgary, Alberta called Xerion Homoeopathie. Find out more information by clicking HERE.

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