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Shout-Out to Thinking Moms’ Revolution

Today’s post is all about celebrating a book and a movement called The Thinking Moms’ Revolution. (We’ll get to gardening next week.) To the women (and one man) who are TMR: You are courageous, brilliant, articulate, honest, funny, passionate, heartbreakingly honest, compassionate, and righteously angry, and boy, do you ‘kick some autism ass’! The TMR … Read more

Soccer To Me!

Technically, it’s spring—although you would be hard pressed to see too many signs of it here in Calgary! Temperatures are a little cool, the wind off the mountains and from the north is still a little brisk, but in the morning, you can hear the robins singing their little hearts out. Or maybe they are … Read more

Poopy? Again? Really?

Yes. Really. There is another outbreak for Norwalk virus in Calgary, anyway. We had an outbreak in February of this year, and apparently we are in the midst of another outbreak. Sparing you the gory details, let’s just say we are having firsthand experience in our household. Chances our very good that dear hubbie picked … Read more

Sneezy, Wheezy Springtime Woes

It’s April! Inhale a deep breath of sap flowing, buds bursting, the smell of dirt and warming soil. It’s spring—finally! The season of joy and life and renewal! Right? Ennhhh…wrong… Especially if that first whiff of spring brings on your symptoms of weepy/watery eyes; a burning, sneezing, watery nose; sore throat; and itchy mouth/nose/eyes. You … Read more

Easter Bunny Bellyache Blues

Spring is here! And with it comes new life, everything waking up after a long winter, and everyone happy, happy, happy to feel sun on the face, warmer days, and cool nights. And how many of you have children who had a visit from the Easter Bunny? Just when you thought a sleepless night was … Read more