It is not enough for a man to know how to ride; he must know how to fall.
~Mexican Proverb
Today as I write I am aware that I have is the most breath taking outdoor office. My view? The rolling green pastures, the blue gray Rocky Mountains in the distance, a breeze strong enough to keep the bugs and heat at bay and surrounded by all things horse!
Have a peek – Video
Gracie and I rode last year at Eagle Feather Riding summer camps and this year, Gracie is riding on her own. Kids and grandkids grow up way too fast! I am reposting last year’s newsletter about horse backing riding and packing your homeopathic kit. You will find many uses for the remedies this summer, wherever your travels take you. You can take remedy kits wherever you go and sometimes you will be really glad that you did!

Repost from July 2015 – Enjoy!
This week finds Gracie and me at an Eagle Feather Riding half-day summer camp. Today we rode the stone labyrinth with our horses. In a meditative mood, full of concentration, we passed other horses and riders, moving in opposite directions winding our way through a heart felt question or concern, allowing the answer to unfold within as we paced our way through to the heart of the maze. What a thrill!
As thrilling and meditative as today’s adventure was, there is still the reality that sometimes accidents can happen. So…
Always ready for an “in case-of”, I packed a homeopathic remedy kit. What kinds of accidents or first-aid situations might you find at the stables with horses, kids and hot summer days on the wide-open prairies?
Keep reading and find out what I packed in a little 5+-remedy pouch and what I take in my pocket when we are on the trails!
We are having hot days here in southern Alberta and even though we prepare for the heat by drinking lots of water and wearing our riding helmets, it is quite easy to get heat exhaustion or even sunstroke. Each horse and rider has a co-pilot with them and they do a LOT of walking in the heat, heavy boots plodding away on uneven, mud-lumpy fields.
Sunstroke and Heat Exhaustion
Signs and Symptoms of heat exhaustion:
- increased thirst
- weakness
- fainting
- muscle cramps
- nausea and vomiting
- irritability
- headache
- increased sweating
- cool, clammy skin
- elevation of body temperature, but to less than 105°F (40.5°C)
Signs and Symptoms of heatstroke:
- severe headache
- weakness, dizziness
- confusion
- rapid breathing and heartbeat
- loss of consciousness leading to coma
- seizures
- may not be sweating
- flushed, hot, dry skin
- elevation of body temperature to 105°F (40.5°C) or higher
Here is a link to Kids Health resource sheet on how to prevent and treat heat related illness.
This is one of those times when the body’s temperature can go beyond its set point. (Poisoning is the other situation you may see this.) You are on your way to the hospital! Check out the Kids Health website for first aid care. You can give a homeopathic remedy on your way to the hospital emergency department.
There are three remedies I packed for heat exhaustion and sunstroke. Gracie and I can both get over heated quite easily so I like to have a choice…just in case!
The #1 remedy for most people, most of the time (pets and horses included) is Belladonna. Yes…the same Belladonna that you use for your child’s fever!
Some symptoms that might make you think of Belladonna:
- Dilated pupils (the black circle in the middle of the colored part practically covers the colored part of the eyeball)
- Burning heat in the whole face, without redness of cheeks or with thirst, body warm and feet cold
- Or…face flushed red, swollen, shining.
- Chill alternating of heat with confusion
- Pulsating headache, pulsating/throbbing artery on side of neck
- Fever 39-40C with convulsions/delirium or unconsciousness
- Fever 39-40C with intense heat of face/head and body cold
- The speech might sound confused or thick with heaviness of the tongue
- A feeling as if the head were enormously large
- Very similar to the symptoms of Belladonna but even more intense
- Heat stroke symptoms in general but you will likely find that those needing Gelsemium rather than Belladonna or Glonoinum, have trembling and weakness
- Possibly double vision or eye problems
- Heavy feeling or sensation throughout the body
- Head pain in the occiput (back of the head)
- Possibly a feeling of icy cold water running down the spine
Fall off Your Horse? Get back on and take…
- Always your first go to remedy for shock (whoever plans to fall off a horse? No one! But it happens.) and injury where bruising is going to happen.
- Sore, aching bruised feeling. This might even happen after your first day of riding whether you have a fall or not!
- In a serious fall someone might even say to you ‘I’m OK.’ And they do not want you to touch them. Best to insist on Arnica as these are all things someone who really needs Arnica might say.
- With a fall, a dose of Aconite might be needed as well for the shock if it is sudden, unexpected. You might even see an accident and be affected, go into shock. This would be a good time to take Aconite.
Bitten by a wasp, bee, black fly?
- Hot, swollen, shiny and watery looking with stinging pain…perfect situation for Apis made from the honeybee venom.
- This is the other remedy homeopaths reach for when someone is bitten by an insect. Great for any kind of puncture wounds. Bit by a horse? Take Ledum. It’s sometimes hard to tell if you need Apis or Ledum. You can give one and if it does not help, then try the other.
Stepped on? Ouch!
Sometimes even when you are very careful and your horse is too, fingers and toes can get crushed or stepped on.
- This is one remedy I like to have with me if I think my fingers or toes might get injured.
- Together with Ledum you have the homeopaths remedy for possible tetanus.

In the Pouch:
Aconite 30
Apis 200
Arnica 200
Belladonna 200
Glonoinum 30
Gelsemium 30
Hypericum 200
Ledum 200
In the Pocket on the Ride:
Aconite 30
Apis 200
Arnica 200
Easy to carry. Easy to share. And you are ready for a giddy-up horse adventure!
To order remedy kits, check out Renewal Homeopathy and Wellness. They would be happy to help you with your remedy kit needs. Phone contact: 403-202-8507
Yours in health and healing,