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Are there safe alternatives to vaccines?

There are alternatives to vaccines. One alternative is to have the infection naturally.

Can a natural infection be safe?


Are there possible risks with a natural infection? Yes. But there are also risks with vaccines. I would highly recommend two resources for vaccine information:

National Vaccine Information Center in the USA
Vaccine Choice Canada in Canada

Risks with a natural infection are minimal, according to the medical texts from the 1950’s and 1960’s (Dr Spock was a family favourite in our household as a child). As with many infections though, it is important to be informed as to the symptoms of the infectious illness and what conventional medicine has to offer in terms of treating any adverse symptoms of any childhood illness.

I grew up in the generation (1950’s and 1960’s) where it was expected that all the kids in my family (5 of us) including neighbourhood kids, would at one time or another and usually all together, get measles, mumps, chicken pox, rubella, and whooping cough. At that time, only polio and diphtheria were offered as vaccines.

The other safe alternative that is talked about in the natural health circles, is ‘homeoprophylaxis’ or HP.

One resource that I suggest all parents study, is Dr Isaac Golden’s website and research on homeoprophylaxis or HP for short. This is a method of using specific homeopathic remedies as immunisation. Dr Golden has amassed and published 30 years of research on using HP.

From a recent article by Isaac Golden:

“The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared vaccine hesitancy to be one of the 10 greatest threats to global health in 2019 [1]. WHO states that: “Vaccine hesitancy refers to delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite availability of vaccination services. Vaccine hesitancy is complex and context specific varying across time, place and vaccines. It includes factors such as complacency, convenience and confidence”. They have postulated some solutions, stating that “in most cases, interventions should be dialogue based and directly targeted to a specific under-vaccinated population group [2]”. In fact, vaccine hesitancy should also include people/parents who do not delay accepting vaccines but do so with a degree of unease or uncertainty. In an American study of parents in 2000, 19% indicated they had “concerns about vaccines” [3] In a similar survey in 2009 this number was 50% [4].

Dr Golden’s course for parents on HP or homeoprophylaxis (homeopathic immunisation) is available here.

Do alternatives to vaccines work?

From Dr Golden’s Research:

“A Twenty-Year Clinical Study – using responses from parents whose children used my 5 year homœoprophylactic program for disease prevention from 1985 to 2004. 2,342 responses were collected, each one covering one year of a child’s life. The effectiveness and safety of the homoeopathic option to vaccination is fully discussed, and the actual comments by parents are reported. The single figure measure of effectiveness is 90.4% (95% confidence limits 87.6% – 93.2%). Using national attack rates as a control HP efficacy for three diseases was whooping cough – 86.2%; measles – 90.0%; mumps – 91.6%.”

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