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Parents Ask About Fevers and Febrile Seizure

Febrile Seizure

My One Stop Childhood Fever Guide! Childhood fevers can put parents into panic mode!! Childhood fever and febrile seizure are one topic that has a lot of misinformation, and thanks to media advertising there is an unnecessary fear of fever. Parents can breathe a sigh of relief when they understand the benefits of fever and … Read more

Immunology (i.e. vaccination) or Natural Immunity – Same or Different?

Until I read Dr. Tetyana’s book Vaccine Illusion: How Vaccination Compromises Our Natural Immunity and What We Can Do To Regain Our Health, I had NO idea that an immunologist had little or no training on the natural immune system. As Dr. Tetyana says in her book: “The biological term immunity refers to a universally observed … Read more